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How to remotely control your SkyWatcher equatorial or alt-azi mount with PLAY
How to remotely control your SkyWatcher equatorial or alt-azi mount with PLAYPLAY astrophotography software allows you to control also SkyWatcher equatorial or alt-azi mount provided with ASCOM drivers. In this article we descrive how to connect SkyWatcher computerized equatorial or alt-azi mounts to EAGLE or standard Windows computer and how to use PLAY astrophotography software in order to remotely control them. Please note: in order to use PLAY to control SkyWatcher mounts, you have to use ASCOM Platform at least 6.6 version (mount’s ASCOM driver has to be tested with ASCOM 6.6) and you have to have at least ESATTO focuser, SESTO SENSO 2 focusing motor, GIOTTO flat field generator or ALTO telescope cover motor.
How to use EAGLE Manager X and simplify devices connectivity
How to use EAGLE Manager X and simplify devices connectivityThe EAGLE computer is able to control many devices and this is very important in modern days since your astrophotography telescope may be composed by more electronic accessories: imaging camera, auto guider, motorised focuser, rotator, motorised filter wheel, flat field generator, telescope cover motor, dome, etc. Most of these (usually all except cameras) are “serial devices” that communicate with computers by sending data with a “serial” standard (like the RS-232). But modern Windows computers (and the EAGLE too) have not serial ports (like COM1, COM2), so the serial device has to be connected to computer’s USB port and communicate through a “virtual” COM port by using a driver that creates a COM port (e.g., COM3, COM4). Since definition of COM port number is requested in most...
How to use GHOST mode and replace USB cables of PLL devices with a wireless connection
How to use GHOST mode and replace USB cables of PLL devices with a wireless connectionThanks to GHOST mode (available starting with EAGLE Manager X v2), the EAGLE is able to control PLL devices (SESTO SENSO 2, ESATTO, ARCO, GIOTTO and ALTO) by using its WiFi connection instead of a standard USB cable, without forcing you to use special drivers or software. When you activate GHOST mode, EAGLE Manager X wirelessly connects to your PLL devices and creates a new COM device, as you would have with a standard USB cable (that now you can remove) so you can keep using your astrophotography programs and ASCOM platform as you always have.