If you pay by bank transfer 7.793,52 €
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If you are searching for the most precise motorized focuser to use the GSO/Orion/TPO Ritchey-Chretien 10, 12, 14 and 16 inches (both aluminum and cabron tubes) for astrophotography, this adapter allows you to connect ESATTO 3" to the M117 thread of these telescope. Optical thickness of the "PL3600236" adapter is 43mm so, when you add the ESATTO 3"...
If you pay by bank transfer 7.793,52 €
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ARCO 3" is the larger version of our ARC second resolution rOtator that, thanks to its incredible resolution of 1 arc second per step, is the most precise camera rotator and field de-rotator! The 3” version of ARCO has a thickness of only 23mm and a free aperture of 76.3mm. When used together with an equatorially mounted telescope, ARCO allows you to...
If you pay by bank transfer 7.793,52 €
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ESATTO robotic focuser is also available in 3" version with 76.3mm free aperture, 25mm of draw tube travel, 8kg of payload capacity and an incredible resolution of 0,04 micron per step! The perfect solution for apochromatic refractors and Ritchey-Chretien or Cassegrain telescopes, and heavy imaging trains with large cameras and accessories like off axis...
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DUAL-PRO is the Observatory Station with dome and dual telescope designed by PrimaLuceLab to provide a professional level but compact solution that can be used for many applications: remote space exploration, space situational awareness, astrophotography and astronomy education/outreach. DUAL-PRO includes a very high precision and load capacity alt-az...
If you pay by bank transfer 7.793,52 €
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EAGLE6 is the most advanced all-in-one computer for telescopes and astrophotography, combining powerful new features to simplify remote control and power management while allowing you to use astronomy devices and Windows softwares of your choice. Housed in the innovative PLUS aluminum body designed for easy telescope installation and cable management,...