Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain optical tubes offer larger corrected field than classic SC telescopes: for this reason they are perfect to observe even with wide-field eyepieces or to take pictures with large sensors cameras. Here you find Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes that come with our ESATTO focusers.
Celestron EdgeHD 8" telescope with Losmandy bar is a compact aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope 203mm f/10 that, thanks to the ESATTO 2" LP low profile focuser, becomes excellent for any application! It's perfect also for remote control since the ESATTO allows you to focus even with the primary mirror locked to eliminate image shift.
Celestron EdgeHD 9.25" telescope with Losmandy bar is an aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope 235mm f/10 that offers high performance, even better with the ESATTO 2" microfocuser! It's perfect also for remote control since the ESATTO allows you to focus even with the primary mirror locked to eliminate image shift.
Celestron EdgeHD 11" telescope with Losmandy bar is a powerful aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope 280mm f/10 that is still portable and you can install it in not too large mounts. Thanks to the ESATTO 2" microfocuser it has no image shift and it's perfect also for remote control since you can focus even with the primary mirror locked.
Celestron EdgeHD 14" with Losmandy bar and ESATTO 2" is a great aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope that offers observatory class performance! Thanks to large 355mm diameter and quality of EdgeHD optics, it's perfect for any applications, visual use to astrophotography.