If you pay by bank transfer 238,98 €
4 Reviews
The dovetail clamps provide the connection to telescopes support plates and are useful to create support instruments like side-by-side plates (to support two telescopes in parallel on the same mount) or to allow the precise positioning of the guide rings (to adjust precisely the weight balance).
Our dovetail clamps, unlike the common ones, offer...
Spacers and curved blocks
"PLUS curved blocks for Celestron C8, C9.25, C11, EdgeHD 800, 925, 1100 or Meade SC and...
If you pay by bank transfer 238,98 €
1 Reviews
If you have a Celestron C8, C9.25, C11, EdgeHD 800, 925, 1100 or Meade SC and ACF 8" telescope and want to connect a Losmandy type bar under the telescope to connect it on a mount or set the same bar over to the telescope to support a parallel telescope, the best method is to fix these curved blocks that then allow you to connect the 350mm or 495mm...
If you pay by bank transfer 238,98 €
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GIOTTO 285 is the Smart Flat Field Generator we designed to help you capture flat calibration frames for telescopes with aperture up to 285mm. GIOTTO uses many LED lights at a color temperature similar to the Sun, a specially designed light diffuser and, thanks to the included thumbscrews, you can easily lock it in front of telescopes with external tube...
If you pay by bank transfer 238,98 €
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GIOTTO 320 is the Smart Flat Field Generator we designed to help you capture flat calibration frames for telescopes with aperture up to 320mm. GIOTTO uses many LED lights at a color temperature similar to the Sun, a specially designed light diffuser and, thanks to the included thumbscrews, you can easily lock it in front of telescopes with external tube...